
Protection. Perpetuation.

Corona History, Vintage Home Tours, Newsletters, Education, Community Events, Advocacy & More

The Corona Historic Preservation Society (CHPS) is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the preservation, PROTECTION, and PERPETUATION of Corona's historic sites, buildings, neighborhoods, and resources. CHPS seeks to educate citizens of all ages about Corona's history, historic resources and to enhance historic preservation within the City of Corona. We do this through education, community events, preservation projects, and tireless advocacy for the benefit of present and future generations.

Programs presented and supported by the Society include: the Historic Site Marker Program, Vintage Home Tour, Heritage Home Awards, commemorative events, educational seminars, panel discussions and field trips, and numerous community preservation projects and activities.

Corona Historic Preservation Society
Corona Historic Preservation Society

Our Purpose

  • To increase public knowledge and awareness of the unique history of Corona.
  • To advocate for the preservation of historic sites, structures, artifacts, and records.
  • To provide expertise in historic preservation and local history to the City's Community Development Department and Planning Commission on the merits of preserving various resources.
  • To assist in relocating or finding alternative reuses of structures threatened with demolition.
Corona Historic Preservation Society

How to Join or Donate

To join electronically, you may use the PayPal "Add to Cart" PayPal button at the top or bottom of this page, or you may obtain a membership application from this website or from any issue of the Society bi-monthly Newsletter. The completed application may be mailed in with a check in the correct amount for the category of membership desired to:

Corona Historic Preservation Society
P.O. Box 2904
Corona, CA 92878

To donate electronically, please use the "Donate" PayPal button at the bottom of this page. If the donation is to be directed to a special project or activity, please describe the activity or project in the "Message "block